About Us
We are beginning the journey of bringing challenging and engaging experiences to children at all stages of growth, including infancy, to Parnell, MO. Follow us as we grow, and visit our website frequently for updates. Join our mailing list to be kept in the loop automatically or contact us at HelpingRaiseHumanity@gmail.com.

At Helping Raise Humanity we strive to promote a love for learning, beginning with infancy, through challenging success at individualized levels of growth supported by parents with the resources to be their child's first teachers and advocates.
The educational programs at Helping Raise Humanity are created with children’s needs in mind: to mature and develop in a safe yet stimulating environment. Helping to support the whole child and their whole body at every level of growth including physically, mentally, intellectually and socially. Since 1949, the World Health Organization (WHO) has noted that health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease and infirmity." Take a look below to learn more about each program designed to support our goals.

Our Mission
We aim to offer, from infancy, an experience that nurtures, enlightens, engages and challenges a child at an appropriate, individualized level to promote developmental growth through natural exploration; our goal is to support unique exploration through individualized expectations that challenge each child with an opportunity for success.
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